
Carrying on the line of thoughts of his earlier publications in Erdélyi Társadalom, the author focuses, actually, on masculinity patterns crystallized during the so-called „military revolution”. First, the main statements of military historians about military revolution in early modernity are summed up. Over the course of the 16th century, as a result of the infantry revolution, military nobility is transformed into an officer corps, and chivalry evolves into cavalry. The requirements of physical strength, courage and risk-taking are replaced by self-discipline, sangfroid and steadiness under fire. Next, it is suggested that the military revolution might be understood in its depth as far as the issue of habitus transfer, i.e. the objective harmonisation of dispositional patterns in different social fields, is taken into account. According to the author, masculine habituses, as gendered structured structural structures of key importance, should also be included among the indicators used in social sciences. Finally, the consequences of habitus transfer, namely the lengthening of the tissue of interdependency chains, are put under scrutiny. During these lengthening processes, the world becomes larger, and the geographical and social radius of men’s activity is extended. To put it differently, the drives of archaic libido dominandi are built upon by the dispositional patterns of expansion.

Keywords: military revolution, masculinities, early modernity, Europe, self-discipline, habitus transfer, tissue of interdependencies, expansive dispositions

Full text (in Hungarian)

The study examines the structure and resources of the social care network created by Hungarian nonprofit organizations in Transylvania, based on an online survey. It describes the structure of the field, the organizational background of the organizations, their target groups and the social problems targeted, analyzes the infrastructural, financial and human resources of the organizations, and how they build and operate their professional relationships.

The empirical background of the study is an on-line survey, during which the leaders of 200 registered non-profit organizations answered our questions in the spring of 2015. (The research leading to this publication was supported by the Székely Forerunner fellowship of the Forerunner Federation (

Keywords: non-profit social organizations, social service providers, Hungarian non-profit social organizations in Transylvania, social care system

Full text (in Hungarian)

One of the most determinative processes of the period following the change in the political system in 1989 was that Central and Eastern European countries joined the European Union, which resulted in the re-evaluation of the significance of stateborders, the change in the regional status of the border areas, and the intensifi cation of migration in the border zone. In my study I focus on examining how the transition started along the traffi c route of Ártánd at the Romanian-Hungarian border, what caused population movements, and how inhabitants felt about the change of the role and importance of the country border. According to the research findings on the Hungarian side, I wish to present how people living in the region tried to take advantage of the opening of the border after joining the Union.

My research serving as the basis of my article focused mostly on people who created a new, crossborder lifestyle after Romania had joined the European Union in 2007. On those who moved to the Hungarian side of the border but continued working in Romania, and commuting between the two countries became part of their everyday routine.

The phenomenon, in my view, is evaluated as the first step of a suburbanization process, the background of which was there defi nition of the traditional regional status blocked by the border. Therefore, I intend to review the historical and regional sources of the phenomenon in my study.

Keywords: Romanian-Hungarian border; transnational space; transborder suburbanisation; the accession of the European Union

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This paper analyses the changes from Romania and of the Romanian society since the regime change from december 1989 to our days. Th e interpretation of social changes as development has been operationalised based on the component analysis also supported by the UN and OECD according to which social relationships are analysed according to components. Th ese components have been measured by means of diff erent economic and social indicators and two approaches have been borne in mind: the fi rst one is external comparison whereby we shall analyse the situation of Romania and Hungarians from Transylvania in comparison with Europe and Central and Eastern Europe, i.e. in a regional comparison, while the second one is the analysis of changes in time whereby we review the changes that have taken place since the regime change in 1989/90 according to components, with a special view to Transylvania and Hungarians, when data allow it.

We are searching for an answer to three research questions. One refers to the changes that we can observe, if we can talk about development in Romania between 1990 and 2016, in which dimensions is this stronger and to what extent does it refer to Hungarians from Romania/Transylvania? Moreover, what is the extent of development in Romania in the he context of Central and Eastern Europe? And last, does the EU integration process manifest itself in relation to social-economic development in the Central and Eastern European region and if yes, to what extent?

Keywords: social change, GDP, Human development index, Romania, Europe

Full text (in Hungarian)

The paper summarises the restructuring of the Hungarian countryside after the changes of the regime.

The paper analyses the changes in the structure of rural societies by examining demographic processes on the one hand and economic changes on the other hand. And as a part of it the changes of land ownership, land use and development policy is discussed.

Demographic processes started by the changes of the regime, continued in the nineties, but the land use and land ownership patterns profoundly changed. In the nineties most of the socialist type cooperatives went bankrupt or were privatised. After the recession of the agriculture a slow recovery started which was followed by faster consolidation of land ownership, land use and of the whole agriculture in 2004. After 2010 the consolidation of the agriculture and the rural areas reached an equilibrium, although it can be criticized as something far from the optimal. Our paper presents the processes which lead to the present.

Keywords: rural restructuring, rural society, small scale agriculture, large scale agriculture, land use change

Full text (in Hungarian)

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