
Carrying on the line of thoughts of his earlier publications in Erdélyi Társadalom, the author focuses, actually, on masculinity patterns crystallized during the so-called „military revolution”. First, the main statements of military historians about military revolution in early modernity are summed up. Over the course of the 16th century, as a result of the infantry revolution, military nobility is transformed into an officer corps, and chivalry evolves into cavalry. The requirements of physical strength, courage and risk-taking are replaced by self-discipline, sangfroid and steadiness under fire. Next, it is suggested that the military revolution might be understood in its depth as far as the issue of habitus transfer, i.e. the objective harmonisation of dispositional patterns in different social fields, is taken into account. According to the author, masculine habituses, as gendered structured structural structures of key importance, should also be included among the indicators used in social sciences. Finally, the consequences of habitus transfer, namely the lengthening of the tissue of interdependency chains, are put under scrutiny. During these lengthening processes, the world becomes larger, and the geographical and social radius of men’s activity is extended. To put it differently, the drives of archaic libido dominandi are built upon by the dispositional patterns of expansion.

Keywords: military revolution, masculinities, early modernity, Europe, self-discipline, habitus transfer, tissue of interdependencies, expansive dispositions

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