
In this work we are dealing with e-youth work. We try to prove, that near family and school there is a third main socialization enviroment: the leisure time socialization area. Also we show that the young people leisure time activity is full with media usage, we present the recent data about the European young people media consumption, usage of internet and smart tools, etc.

We will deal with youth work that can be and is to be carried out in the various digital spaces. We will introduce the characteristic features of this space, and focus on the general rules that define it.

The European Youth Information and Counselling Agency (ERYICA) accepted the basic prinicples of youth services (the European Youth Information Charter) in 1993, and modified it in 2004. In point of fact, we took 21 principles related to youth services into consideration summarizing the practical experiences. Their more detailed analyses shows, that the service requirements in „real” life are actually not fully completed by the youth services, the „traditional” offices.

At the and we introduce practical examples whose success should be followed as models, and we will formulate general fundamental rules that are worth maintaining if we wish to pursue youth work in the virtual space.

Keywords: e-youth work; leisure; media use; youth

Full text (in Hungarian)

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