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This article aims is to provide insight trough Independence Zone's drug, alcohol, nicotine and HIV prevention work - which among other tasks works among youth attending various Transylvanian summer pop-rock festivals - into the drug use patterns of younger people, with the aim of providing certain information to schools and teachers which can be implemented in their own work, further helping their ability to preserve the health and personal development of young people.
To this end we present the results of our questionnaire survey carried out on three locations – Peninsula Festival, Hungarian Days of Cluj, fiERD Camp - which gives an insight into the nicotine, alcohol and drugs consumption habits of young people, and their mental health which is closely related to these factors. We also will discuss school's drug prevention and mental health function, which if fulfilled might promote the development of young people's health behavior. This article will include a few other alternatives by which teachers can prevent youth drug use.
keywords: drog prevension, STD, young vulnerability

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The social support system for persons with disabilities has undergone fundamental changes during the last two decades. This research is looking for answers to questions like: How can families having children with disabilities face the changes of the social support system? What are their educational-developmental possibilities? How do they sense the public's, media's and public institutions' attitudes towards them? What is their prospective of the future? Do they feel the positive changes proclaimed by international slogans ("Everyone's Europe", "Inclusive School", ""Equal opportunities: jobs instead of aids!") in their micro- and macro-environment? What are the supporting factors that have stood the test of time and proved to be reliable and strong for more than 10 years? These are the questions to be answered by an ongoing longitudinal research. (First survey in 2002-2004 among 400 disabled children, young people raised up in families; second survey in 2012-2014, of which 100 questionnaires were processed in this research.)
keywords: social support system changes - educational-developmental - possibilities supporting factors - longitudinal research

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The gender factor influences the characteristics of the parental role and the parental social cognitions related to the child. In this way the discipline methods used by parents show special characteristics according to the gender of the parents and the child. The present study, using a sample of 3747 parents from Romania, follows the use of physically violent discipline methods by the gender of parents and children, in three different age groups of the child (12, 14 and 16 years old). The results show that both mothers and fathers use more often physical discipline methods, if their child is a boy. In the case of mothers, the use of physical discipline is decreasing as the child grows, while the fathers use most often physical discipline methods with their 13-14 years old children.
Key words: gender, discipline methods, physical violence

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