Instructions for authors

Editor: Horváth István (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

State socialism was a social-historical reality, in the forms of life and life situations it created / allowed. Its lifestyle project: the residential area with blocks of flats, apartment in a block of flats or even the workplace that is considered desirable still determines the daily life and expectations of most of us. So, state socialism resulted in a situation in social history that did not completely eradicate itself in the miseries of the eighties (shrinking supplies in the form of a ticket system, power outages, etc.).

The fact that the literature focusing on this social-historical reality is scarce is a shortcoming in terms of social perspective and education in general, as the present is difficult to interpret especially for the post 1989 generations. On the other hand, the past can be interpreted in a contradictory way, first of all for those who lived as adults before 1989.

Many aspects of this period are worthy to be studied and reported as a shorter reflection (minimum 5 pages) or a more exhaustive study (maximum 15 pages), from forms of remembrance to critical, methodological reviews of social history research, from an overview of large processes (urbanization, consumption, lifestyle modernization), to the presentation or social interpretation of changes related to lifestyle, entertainment, transformation of social contacts.

In the spirit of this introduction, in the first thematic issue of the Transylvanian Society in 2021, we expect studies on topics that analyze, examine and evaluate some aspect of the above-mentioned processes in a given region, community, country or in a comparative way between the countries of a wider region. We particularly appreciate the writings on topics that examine some issues affecting the Hungarian or other ethnic-linguistic community in the region in relation to the transition period.

The interested authors have, as a first step, to submit an abstract of 300-400 words by 30 May 2021 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The studies and the related materials (short English and Hungarian abstract, biographical data of the authors, keywords) must be uploaded to the electronic system of the Transylvanian Society's website ( The studies are reviewed by two anonymous reviewers, according to the so-called double blind peer review procedure. If accepted for publication, the author have to make the suggested changes within a short period of time, based on the reviewers' suggestions.

Although the focus of the topic is on the situation in Romania, we expect also studies related to other countries.

The deadline for submitting studies is 1 July 2021.

The formal requirements for the studies can be found here

Special issue on ‘Sport and Identity’ of the journal Transylvanian Society (Erdélyi Társadalom) (

Editors: Dr. Zsombor Csata (Babeș-Bolyai University, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Dr. László Péter (Babeș-Bolyai University, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), and Prof. Dr László Marácz (University of Amsterdam, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Sports is taking an ever more important place in global socio-political and financial-economic affairs. Global sports media events, like the Olympic Games, and the different World and European Championship attract a lot of media coverage, spectators and public debate. In modern times, sports have been organized mostly on a national basis. States and their citizens were the most prominent stakeholders of major sports competitions and events. Due to globalization, Europeanization and transnational and mobility processes the international sports structure is changing in a rapid tempo. Sports was a symbol of national identity in the first place, sports events and its international representative bodies in modern times tie in with the multi-layered global governance structure that has arisen recently in postmodern time when mediated spectator sport become a commodified and commercialised product and mass consumer good. As a consequence – although the connection between national identity and sports is still prominent – the structure and representative bodies of the sports world have to coop with a number of new phenomena and cases against the backdrop of these socio-economic and cultural phenomena.

The editors of the special issue of the journal of Transylvanian Society invite authors to elaborate on questions related to the changing reality and identity of the global sports world. Relevant topics of the special issue include, among others:

  • National identity promoting specific sports related to national self-images and stereotypes;
  • universal rules, regulations and codes for the steering of imnternational and national sports federations
  • dual nationality, national representation and bonding in international sports events       
  • the role of sports in identity formation of national, ethnic and other minorities
  • the role of regional competition in building new identities, like European identity, Asian identity, but also other types of identity, like Gaelic and nomadic identity
  • foreign policy and rivalry in sports
  • the interaction of decolonization and sports
  • the commercialization of sports, including the branding of teams and individual sports icons and celebrities as a marketing object
  • communication and language in international sports

A title, an abstract of 250 words maximally, and 5 key words should be send to the editors before October 15, 2018. The editors will invite 7 authors to submit their paper of circa 7000 words before March 15, 2019. After peer reviewing the special issue will be published in the second half of 2019. Apart from the innovative papers, the editors plan to publish several book reviews.

Articles and book reviews are to be sent using the online manuscript submission form.

  • The expected length of the articles should be between 6,000–10,000 words, with 1.5 line spacing, in MS-Word for Windows format. Please provide general information about the author(s): research field, workplace, address, phone number, e-mail.
  • Book reviews should be shorter than 5,000 words.
  • Each article should be accompanied by a Hungarian and an English abstract (150–300 words each)
  • Each article should have at least five keywords attached.
  • The articles that correspond to the formal criteria of the Journal are being evaluated by the editorial board, relying on reviews by external experts.
  • We expect that articles sent for publication are original pieces, not already published or not under review at another journal.
  • Rules regarding the formatting of the text are downloadable from the menu.

Preparing the manuscript

1. References and bibliography

  • All references within the text should be included in the bibliography and correspondingly, bibliography should only contain those books, articles and other sources that were cited in the text.

2. References within the text

  • When quoting from a source please provide a page number next to the author's name and the year of publication.
  • When quoting a text please use quotation marks
  • References should be put in parenthesis; e.g.: "text" (Yeoh 2005: 205)
  • The format is the following: (Author year: page number). The year of publication and the page number are separated by a colon followed by a space.
  • When situated at the end of the phrase the point is inserted after the reference and not at the end of the sentence!
  • In case of more than two co-authors please use the et alii formula. E.g. (Brubaker et alii 2008)

3. Bibliography/References
Details of all referenced sources are to be placed at the end of the article within the "Bibliography" section, in alphabetical order.

REYNOLDS, Andrew – REILLY, Ben – ELLIS, Andrew
2005 Electoral System Design: The New International IDEA Handbook. IDEA, Stockholm.
Pl. BABBIE, Earl
1996 A társadalomtudományi kutatás gyakorlata. Balassi Kiadó, Budapest

Papers published in volumes

2001 Studiu introductiv. In: NASTASĂ, Lucian – VARGA Andrea (ed.): Minorităţi etnoculturale. Mărturii documentare. Ţiganii din România (1919–1944). Ethnocultural Diversity Center, Cluj-Napoca, 9–24.

Articles published in periodicals

2005 The Construction of Transnational Spaces by Indian Migrants in Australia. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 2. (31) 365–384.

Online sources

STAN, Valentin – MORARU, Adrian – IORGA, Elena – TEIŞANU, Radu
2004 Alegerile locale 2004. O lecţie politică. Institutul pentru Politici Publice, Bucureşti,, (last retrieved: Septemer 17, 2008)


  • Within the text tables are inserted around (before or after) the paragraphs where discussion of the data appears.
  • FIGURES (graphs, maps and pictures) are to be sent in black and white.
  • In case of a large number of tables and figures those not directly preventing the reader from following the text are to be placed at the end of the article, before the bibliography.

5. The content and structure of the manuscript

  • Author, Title (in the footnote, if applicable: acknowledgment of financial support received for the research, year of research grant etc., acknowledgment of scientific support and input from colleagues)
  • A few biographical details of the author(s) in 3rd person singular: occupation (status), current employment (name of institution(s) and of department) or studies, field(s) of research interest.
  • Hungarian abstract (150–300 words)
  • Keywords (5–6)
  • Title in English
  • English abstract (150–300 words)
  • The text of the article (including tables, graphs and appendices, if any)
  • References/bibliography

Veres Valér

Deputy editor-in-chief
Dávid-Kacsó Ágnes

Berszán Lidia, Csata Zsombor, Horváth István, Kiss Dénes, Magyari Tivadar, Benedek József, Péter László, Geambasu Réka, Pásztor Gyöngyi

Editorial Board
Bárdi Nándor (HAS CSS Institute for Minority Studies, Budapest), Csepeli György (Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, University of Miskolc), Kuczi Tibor, Ladányi János, Lengyel György (Corvinus University of Budapest), Lőrincz D. József, Mezei Elemér, Szabó Béla (Babeș-Bolyai University), Pászka Imre (University of Szeged), Tamás Pál (HAS Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest)

Editorial Secretary
Bruck Edit

Responsible for website
Dániel Botond

The postal address of the Editorial board
Revista „Erdélyi Társadalom"
Str. Dostoievschi/Plugarilor 34, RO–400604 Cluj-Napoca
Telefon: +40 264 599 461, fax: +40 264 430 611
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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