
The purpose of this paper is to make a thoroughgoing study on the processes of transition from school to work through architecture graduate students from Romania in the last decade and to observe different professional pathways that individuals take in the context of swift social and economical changes. The concepts and theories that guided me in this paper present a critical perspective on professional stability and security expectations in the architectural career field, expectations created by a strict regulated educational system. Analyzing individual factors (like Schein’s career anchors, perceptions on educational system deficit, perceptions on link between educational system and labour market) and contextual factors (as higher educational expansion impact, economical crisis impact) that influences decisions on professional pathway, it can be observed common characteristics to the other neoliberal professions, characteristics that are explained through Arthur & Rousseau’s concept of “boundaryless career”. This common aspect call in question the exotic character of the architectural career field.

Keywords: school to work transitions; self-employment; portofolio worker; labour market

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