
The sociological, psychological and pedagogical research studies all agree that kindergarten education is a remarkably important period in the development of the social competences of children. In this period the child acquires the adaptive and maladaptive struggling strategies which contribute to their resilient personality. The child becomes a social and societal being in the family and later on in the micro-social medium of the kindergarten, which is defined by macro-social factors. Th e study presents the research made on 3-6 years old kindergarten children (n=126), and it analyses the protective and risk factors in two dimensions: at the intrapersonal level it analyses the struggling mechanisms in kindergarten situations, and at micro-social level it defines the socio-demographic condition of the family, and at micro-social level of kindergarten it presents the analyses of the sociometrical integration in the peer group. The research undertakes the relationship of the personal and social features in order to find out what is to be done for the kindergarten child at micro-social level so that the adults of tomorrow have a positive quality of life.
Keywords: coping mechanism, protective factors, micro social environment, social determinants, family

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