
Th e article studies the local network of social services in Gheorgheni, Romania, from the perspective of community resilience, mainly through the services provided for families with disabled children. The empirical base of research were the results of two surveys done among the local social services, the statistical analysis of the database of social environment studies realized by the local government, as well as interviews with families with disabled children and social service providers. The results show that the local network of social services in Gheorgheni in addition to the large number of social services, show other positive signs of resilience. These are mainly the diversity, the viability and the social embeddedness of the services. The frameworks of cooperation are built for years, the organizations have their own goals and a positive outlook, but in the same time they lack real cooperation, the exchange of experiences, common vision and strategies on the level of the network.
Keywords: community resilience, social services, local network of social services

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