Special issue on ‘Sports in Uncertain Times’ of the journal Transylvanian Society (Erdélyi Társadalom)
Editors: Dr. Zsombor Csata (Babeș-Bolyai University, email: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.), Dr. László Péter (Babeș-Bolyai University, email: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.), and Prof. Dr László Marácz (University of Amsterdam, email: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.)
Call for Papers
Recent environmental concerns, the Covid pandemic, and the Russian-Ukrainian war have brought about radical changes that alter our perceptions of sports in the economy and society. These unprecedented events have globally challenged the business models of professional sport, once thought to be robust, and have further reinforced the inequalities of access to mass sports. International diplomacy uses the sport as a soft power with a vehemence not seen since the Cold War. Uncertainty and insecurity have become constant in our everyday lives, especially in this part of Europe. It is affecting every aspect of how we relate to sports.
The crises usually force us to rethink our perspectives and practices. At the intersection of the pandemic, war threat, and environmental stress, there are many challenges to address: how to make the mass sport more inclusive, how to end discrimination and how to reduce the wastefulness in the global sports industry, how to lower the diplomatic stakes of international competitions, etc.
In this thematic issue of Transylvanian Society, we accept studies that help us understand these processes and changes and/or formulate scientifically based expectations about the future of the sporting world. Relevant topics of the special issue include, among others:
A title, an abstract of 250 words maximally, and 5 keywords should be sent to the editors before September 30, 2022. The editors will invite 7 authors to submit their papers of circa 7000 words before November 30, 2022. After peer-reviewing, the special issue will be published in the first half of 2023. Apart from the innovative papers, the editors plan to publish several book reviews.
Revista ”Erdélyi Társadalom” este indexat în următoarele Baze de Date Internaționale:
Editor: István Horváth (Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.) Socialismul de stat a fost o realitate social-istorică prin formele și situațiile de viață pe care le-a creat / le-a permis. Proiectul de viață obiectivat în cartier...
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