
This is an unconventional article. It does not fit into any types of theoretical and empirical papers of the review, or into any category of policy papers. It is a kind of outline of a presentation focused on youth. The first element of the paper structure constitutes in a short notion clarification of youth. The second part summarizes recent (from 2012–2014) empirical results of European, Romanian, Transylvanian surveys and studies from Seklerland, which concentrates on migration and NEETs (15–24 years old people who are not in employment, education or training). After presenting the research data policy approaches about youth’ unemployment and different measures will be sketched that were implemented on the level of European Union, on national and county level to remedy the mentioned main problems. Finally the last part concludes next steps based on research results, policy analyzes and field experiences in order to promote integration of youth in their home society.

Keywords: youth; future plans; emigration; unemployment

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