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The paper presents three case studies conducted in Hungarian towns by the Romanian-Hungarian border: Makó, Gyula and Létavértes. Focusing on the situation of the Romanian workers in the selected settlements, it analyzes how the border and the neighboring regions appear in the every-day life and mid-term plans of these towns. Several researches proved (Németh et al 2009, Pulay 2009) that most of the Romanian immigrants work in the Central-Hungarian Region, and not in the bordering regions, where the flow of workers is sometimes opposite; as also these case studies show. There are four type of cross-border relationships among the settlements and the neighboring country, according to the case studies: (1) informal relationships; (2) formal relationships of the city councils; (3) spontaneous economic relationship; (4) cross-border economic clusters; as the paper presents whilst the first two can be found at each town, the latter two is still not built out. The settlements of the region along the border did not gain a bridging role between the two states neither for the local (employees or employers) nor for the non-local actors.

Proceeding from the example of Romanian football, this paper argues that football is a symbol that manifests itself ritualistically in today's Romanian society. Along the presentation of typical local actors, actions and locations, the author formulates the hypothesis that football games organised on a weekly basis are part of the turnerian social drama, which present the struggle between different big social groups in a symbolic way. Our paper is based on the content analysis of the Romanian specialised media, therefore it is only logical that the author also touches upon the structure of the ideal typical discourse on football, which concerns
social relationships in its meaning.

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