

Modern social sciences are in constant search, especially today when globalization and networking, the crisis of the world system, fundamentally change the medium – society(s) they are seeking. New challenges, which involve a new conceptual system and theory, as well as renewed research dynamics, that is, practice, are also affected by political developments. Populist politics now embraces the two concepts, the facts and the truth, of the (social) sciences. I have outlined three themes that need to be renewed: media sociology (a new mix of public and private sectors, networking), gender studies (unfair discrediting attempts) and multiculturalism (which may be like ideology dead but de facto very much exists). All three themes have been at the center of criticism, and are questionable whether or not the social sciences will be able to answer the challenges that emerge on these topics.

Keywords: globalization, networking, online media, gender studies, multiculturalism.

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