
This study is an analysis based on the final results of the Romanian census from 2011. The permanent (stable) population of Romania is 20,121,641 persons. Of these, however, the personal data of 1.18 million were imported from national registers without the persons themselves being surveyed. Therefore, their nationality and mother tongue is not known. This poses several problems and it also decreases the reliability of the results. We focus on two things in this study. On the one hand, we analyse and evaluate the characteristics of the organisation and the methodology of the census from 2011, the population of the country, the data concerning economic activity and nationality, pointing out the most striking shortcomings.
We separately analyse the structure of the population of "unknown ethnicity (nationality)". On the other hand, we analyse the economic activity and the overall educational level of the Romanian society. Furthermore, we study the occupational stratifi cation by ethnicity, paying special attention to the ethnic Hungarian population of Romania.

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