
1. Focus: Social, Economic and Political Processes in Transition Period, after 1989

2. Social History Mosaics

3. Data and Social Processes


  • István Horváth: Social History of Romania: the Synthesis in Progress. Review of the Book “Istoria socială a României” [Social history of Romania] edited by Cătălin Zamfir
  • Valér Veres: The Carpathian Basin and the Little Ice Age. Social history and epidemics in a multilateral approach
  • Dénes Kiss: Pentecostalism in Romania. Review of the book “Krisztus ajándéka van bennünk”. Pünkösdizmus moldvai román, roma és csángó közösségekben [“We have the gift of Christ”. Pentecostalism in the Romanian, Roma and Csango Communities of Moldova] by Lehel Peti
  • Szidónia Rusu: Sociology reloaded. Review of the book “Digitális szociológia – Szociológiai képzelet a digitális korban” [Digital Sociology – Sociological Imagination in the Digital Age] by Tibor Dessewfy

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