
In this article the author presents an intervention program which was addressed to social workers living and working in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The goal of the intervention was to avoid burnout, and in the same time to create a support group in order to make the relationship between colleagues more efficient and to protect the mental health of the members. The results show that the members of the group received professional and emotional support from each other, which proved benefic, assisting in the prevention of burnouts and professional socialization. The intervention used group method with a mental health aspect.

Keywords: burnout, professional identity, professional network, mental health group, intervention

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The starting point was the exploration of the value structure of students attending higher education. The questionnaire based on the questions of the World Values Survey was questioned twice. In both cases the main population was students attending higher education in the Partium region, therefore both a local sub-sample and a sample beyond borders was available for us. During the research we defined the „value groups” of students, and we explored the „value structure” of students. During the analysis many dilemmas were arising, which were the obstacles of the questionnaire method. We decided to try to continue the research with some other methods, as well.

The results of the questionnaires required correction at many points. The content of some values or value groups, and their relation to each other requires further exposition. With the definition of values, and with the deeper exploration of their hierarchy we get more data for supporting the results of the value study, therefore we can have a better understanding of the values of students in higher education.

Beyond the numbers the real differences were revealed during the interviews. While in the local interviews we could observe individualistic approach, the samples beyond borders often referred to a closer or wider community – the value explanations of the students were less particular. So we can also amend the results of the questionnaires in this case. When checking quantitative data, crossborder students proved to be more „material”. However, the interviews show that beyond considering material goods as valuable assets, it is not only their own security and development which are floating in their eyes, but also the security and financial security of their narrower community. A more collective approach was also demonstrated when discussing the value of „native land and the protection of the nation”, cross-border students had a less individualistic attitude, and their wider environment appeared behind this value.

Keywords: value study, qualitative method, comparative study

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The study present is the group of alternative dispute techniques (restorative models, confront models, transformative models), the steps, specific features of some methods. The author writes in detail the methods, which can be applied during school work. His opinion, the unresolved, unilaterally handled school conflicts are more problematic to determine and it can happen among all the actors of pedagogy (maintainer, teacher, parents, student).

The alternative dispute resolution can help us to think positively, we can solve conflicts not only in schools, but in different areas of life.

Keywords: conflict, alternative dispute resolution, school, restorative model

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This study deals with aggression in schools and particularly aggression between students. The first part deals with the causes of aggression and the manifestation of symptoms. The study highlights psychological and educational policies and principles, which can assist educators in treating aggressive behaviours.

The psychological/mental health interventions can take two forms: prevention and correction. In the realm of prevention programs, we examine the Danish program. Within the corrective programs we identify four effective methods: Conflict Management Series; Behavioural Consultation; Arizona Training Program; and Mediation in Conflict Management.

Choosing the suitable method depends on a variety of other factors, such as the positive attitudes of schools, the appropriate subjective and objective conditions and the existence of adequate programs. Lastly, it is important to emphasize that a one-time use cannot be effective and that enduring results can only be achieved through long-term uses of such programs.

Keywords: Mobbing; Danish Preventative Program; Conflict Management Series; Behavioural Consultation; Arizona Training Program; Mediation in Conflict Management

Full text (in Hungarian)

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