
The study presents theoretical aspects of informational society, as well as the new methodological and conceptual approaches, the new directions of research regarding the digital inequalities and the consequences of technology applications.
Besides the general theories of the informational and knowledge-based society, the theoretical starting-point of the study is marked by the newest approaches and research focusing on the digital inequality model, the connection among the new communication technologies and social changes. The author argues that neither the theory that presupposes radical changes nor the theory that mystifies the informational society and rejects all kinds of changes could be considered as totally valid. The greatest output of the DiMaggio research agenda and model is that the relation between society and new communication technologies is considered co-evolutionary; hereby he resolves the debate about society’s influential factors.
Réka Nagy is a sociologist. E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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