
This article aims is to provide insight trough Independence Zone's drug, alcohol, nicotine and HIV prevention work - which among other tasks works among youth attending various Transylvanian summer pop-rock festivals - into the drug use patterns of younger people, with the aim of providing certain information to schools and teachers which can be implemented in their own work, further helping their ability to preserve the health and personal development of young people.
To this end we present the results of our questionnaire survey carried out on three locations – Peninsula Festival, Hungarian Days of Cluj, fiERD Camp - which gives an insight into the nicotine, alcohol and drugs consumption habits of young people, and their mental health which is closely related to these factors. We also will discuss school's drug prevention and mental health function, which if fulfilled might promote the development of young people's health behavior. This article will include a few other alternatives by which teachers can prevent youth drug use.
keywords: drog prevension, STD, young vulnerability

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