

In our paper we analyse the special characteristics of non-governmental organisations from Szeklerland dealing with Roma issues, surveying how and to what extent they cover this field, the resources they have, the activities they perform, the types of organisations that can be differentiated and to what extent these characteristics differ from national level data. Employing the quantitative data of the SocioRoMap research program, we may draw the conclusion that while organizational density is relatively high, the majority of organisations are operated not by Roma, but by Hungarians and among Roma organisations there is none of national significance. As a result of this characteristic, the organisations of this region are weakly integrated into the national network of Roma organisations and they rather have access to the territorial work division related to Roma projects as “partner organisations” than project promoters. This disadvantageous situation – due to specific reasons – is not reflected in the material situation of these organisations, yet it results in a more difficult access to resources available for Roma public policies and in a more pronounced exclusion of the Roma population from the definition of problems and priorities related to them, as well from the material advantages entailed by the implementation of Roma projects. Our analysis is descriptive in its nature and its aim is to aid the planning of Roma public policies in Szeklerland.

Keywords: Roma civil society, Roma non-governmental organization, Roma project, Szeklerland

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